
lost someting

I just felt sad. I lost my blackberry last saturday at Sency. regrets, and I can't do anything or more. I just shock what did happen last saturday.
let me tell you blogger. i feel guilt to forget where was my phone. I forget to put it where. and I just realized when I want to go back home, and PUUUUFT! I SAID 'WHERE IS MY PHONE?!' and BUM that's lost.
How can you call me? by twitter, or ask my new phone number and facebook.
My big plan is, I have to save some of my money to buy a new blackberry. because my mom said that she didn't want to buy a new phone for me. ARGGGGGH!!!
BORED!!!!! first, I can't bbm-ing with Evil. second, I can't tweeting. Third, I feel so different to text someone because I always chat on bbm before.
Oke!!!hopefully, and my wish is my mom wants to buy me a new blackberry!!aminnnnn.

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