
there will be happen, someday!!

Love yourself, try to always think you're the best!
Cintai dirimu sendiri, cobalah untuk selalu berpikir kalo kamu yang terbaik!
Cermati deh........
Pernah gak sih ngerasa kalo kita tuh bukan apa-apa, umm cth 'gue gendut bgt ya' 
'kok gue ga pinter ya' 'sumpah muka gue jelek bgt, penuh jerawat' atau mungkin gini yg 
plg sering 'sejelek itu ya gue, sampe cowo itu gamau sm gue'. Contoh lagi dari gue sendiri, 
gamau pake kacamata soalnya jelek, maunya softlense?yakan?ngaku ayoooo yang pernah
berpikir sama. Lazim banget kalo kita sering mikir gitu. Tuhan gak adil ngasih setiap 
kekurangan kelebihan, tapi sebenernya tuhan sudah teramat adil. Setiap kekurangan, ada 
kelebihan, that's totally right!! Someday, you will be the best in someone eyes, in someone 
opinion. Believe it or not, how bad you are, your partner always love you, always here, always 
love you even your worst trait. And you have to be the best. You deserve to be the best. 
cintai diri sendiri, ya itu kuncinya. Gak usah copy cat, atau ngikut-ngikutin orang.....uh that's annoyed guys! 
Someday, there will be someone who always tell you everytime like this 'you beautiful enough for me
or you are the most beautiful woman' and you will be the lucky woman who has him forever. 
and there will be one guy who want you the most, who wait you, who care for you forever, of course
who always give you true promises.

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